1. Seena Katayama
I am going to talk about the importance of activism. Growing up and questioning myself and the world around me, I have found out that the importance to stand up for what I believe in, for those who can’t and to be proud of who I am, because I can. As a member of the LGBTQ+ community, this will be a platform for visibility and a little step towards change in Japan. Through my talk, I want to inspire others to be proud of who they are, but also have the courage to question your own beliefs and speak up against injustice. |
2. Ankit Rupda/ Arti Rupda
Consider yourself living in a beautiful place with awesome people, amazing culture & peaceful society. You have everything that is needed to live happily, except one thing. FOOD! This is the exact situation of 6 million vegetarians living in Japan. (Yes, there are 6 million of them!) They are living in the most amazing place ever, except that is one of the least veg-friendly countries in the world. Our speech is the story of how we survived as vegetarians in Japan & how we are helping the other 6 million vegetarians (& many more coming every year) with our new initiative named vegmantra. Enjoy our talk & witness the upcoming revolution that will not only affect a few millions but the whole Japan in upcoming Olympic 2020. |
3. Ryo Kamibayashi
I was once a math geek with 0 friends, who hated socializing. Now I am a soccer-playing thespian who loves celery. Throughout my 16 year life, I have had 1 thing in my mind: try everything. My interests and career now would have never happened if I had forgotten this idea even once. In my speech, I will be talking about the importance of breaking out, and how to introduce yourself to another you. |
4.Demi Tano
The future is Mars. For thousands of years, our ancestors have looked up in the sky, saw a red dot, and wondered what was on it. With our technology today, we are actually capable of travelling there. From news articles about SpaceX's BFR to the 2015 sci-fi movie 'The Martian', it is evident that the topic of sending people to Mars is attracting worldwide attention. As the plans we have for colonising Mars will take place in our lifetimes, I want to remind people why we are going there in the first place. I will also talk about the risks and challenges that will come along, and what we could ultimately learn and take from such an ambitious goal like going to Mars. |
5.Patrick Carlo M. Bangit
I want to ask two questions. First, have you ever judged someone of their race, and discriminated them? And did you hide it? Second, do you think people are becoming more accepting and considerate of different cultures and races? Well, I believe we are getting better at keeping our thoughts to our selves, but it’s doesn’t stop us from mistreating others of different ethnicity and heritage. I, Patrick Carlo M. Bangit will be talking about how I believe that everyone is becoming more racist. |
6.Cameron Tanaka
I will be speaking about the importance of self-acceptance. After being diagnosed with ADHD and put on medication in 6th grade, I saw a very negative shift in my personality and perspective on life. I began to feel uncomfortable with genuinely expressing myself and depressed due to the side effects of my medication. This went on for 4 years until it all changed when I rediscovered dance, an art that forced me to be vulnerable and not shy away from the person I really was. Because of it, I saw big changes in all areas of my life: my relationships, style, life perspectives, and everyday happiness. My goal in sharing with you the story of this stage of personal growth in my life is to communicate the importance of individuality and how it is something to be valued rather than shunned. I believe learning to truly accept yourself is one of the most critical parts of life in order to learn and develop. Every person has traits that make them unique and interesting and I believe that is something to be celebrated. |
8.Miyu Kojima
As an aspiring musician and composer, I seek to diversify the world of music and global sonic culture. In modern times, the diversity of popular music has stagnated to consistently hearing the same or similar sounding music on the radio and music streaming services. In fact, I too used to constantly listen to the same type music without exploring simply because I didn't know how expansive the world of music true is. Inspired from my personal listening experiences, my goal is to show to others that there is a simple way to experience music in a way that expands your own tastes as well as promotes the diversity of music as a whole. |